Friday, January 01, 1999

names 1996

names were never around until man came along. suddenly, everything had to be named for man's benefit. the mountain. but it did not stop there. my mountain. my land. this is almost humerous: the land existed billions of years before man. how is it man comes along and thinks that it is all his? he named more: kingdoms, phyla, classes. he made scientific laws governing behavior of atoms. that's humerous too. will nature not act as it wishes regardless of man's "laws"? man has studied nature and her worls in an attempt to control her. that will never happen. only nature understands herself. man thinks natural disasters should be predicted so he can save lives. why? man kills man much more often than nature kills man. it is names that have separated man into groups: black, white, yellow, red, commoners and elite. these names restrict man. thus, instead of man owning titles, titles own man. man cannot rise above their given title. man used these oppresive titles against one another resulting in the ultimate split among man. nation fighting nation. race against race. rich against poor. where has this world gone? will man ever join his race together again-the human race-peacefully? or will man kill off man until it is once again just nature?

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