Tuesday, November 02, 2004

pay for what you get...

i pray that kerry wins...not for me, but for everyone. i don't vote according to what will benefit me (if that was the case, tax cuts would be all i cared about). i vote for the future of america, for all the children in the entire world (including iraq), for a positive direction instead of a future based on fear. i hate that fear is running this country, this election. people are too scared to admit that this war was a mistake. too scared to try to change anything. i don't want to be run that way. i want to change, to make amends. why do you think osama hates america so much? is he crazy? probably. does he have valid points for his anger towards us? yes. and that is hard to swallow. for me too. but part of being responsible is being able to look at ourselves and see where we've gone wrong. and bush refuses to do that. and i don't want to be associated with that. i do not like his approach. i do not like that he is run by christian interest. america should not be pushing christian values on everyone else here. this is a free country. and freedom is not free. people bitch about taxes. while i think that alot of $ is wasted, is cutting taxes going to fix that? some say, why should i pay for someone else who isn't working? may god never have you know how it feels to be out of work. or permanently disabled. you know, i think you're on to something. we should just take our weak out and shoot them. they are just a drain on us anyways. fuck everyone else. look out for yourselves. think how wonderful our world would be then. as the famous djm has said: "you pay for what you get."

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